
Expository Thoughts on Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

J.C. Ryle had three goals when writing his Expository Thoughts books: that they be used in family Bible study, a teaching tool for those visiting the sick or poor, or as a companion for private Bible study. They have achieved a higher end to those humble aspirations, and the Expository Thoughts on Mark is a great example. Ryle’s helpful commentary on the Gospel of Mark is filled with wonderful...

A great congregation no doubt is a pleasing sight. But the thought should often come across our minds, “How many of these people will reach heaven at last? “It is not enough to hear and admire popular preachers. It is no proof of our conversion that we always worship in a place where there is a crowd. Let us take care that we hear the voice of Christ Himself, and follow Him. Let us observe, in the last place, what clear doctrine characterized John the Baptist’s preaching. He exalted Christ: “There
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